Andreu Matamoros-Angles

Postdoc fellow- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action

Institute of Neuropathology

University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)

Campus Forschung - N27
Room 02.003
Martinistraße 52, 20246
Hamburg. Germany


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action. Horizon 2020

Comment on "Extracellular Vesicles Slow Down Aβ(1-42) Aggregation by Interfering with the Amyloid Fibril Elongation Step".

Mohsin Shafiq, A. Matamoros-Angles, Susanne Caroline Meister, M. Glatzel

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2024

Efficient enzyme-free isolation of brain-derived extracellular vesicles

Andreu Matamoros-Angles, Emina Karadjuzovic, Behnam Mohammadi, Feizhi Song, Santra Brenna, Bente Siebels, Hannah Luise Voss, Carolin Seuring, Isidre Ferrer, Hartmut Schlueter, others

UNPUBLISHED; bioRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024, pp. 2024--01

Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

Joshua A Welsh, Deborah CI Goberdhan, Lorraine O'Driscoll, Edit I Buzas, Cherie Blenkiron, Benedetta Bussolati, Houjian Cai, Dolores Di Vizio, Tom AP Driedonks, Uta Erdbrugger, others

Journal of extracellular vesicles, vol. 13, Wiley Online Library, 2024, pp. e12404

Inducing prion protein shedding as a neuroprotective and regenerative approach in pathological conditions of the brain: from theory to facts

Andreu Matamoros-Angles, Behnam Mohammadi, Feizhi Song, Mohsin Shafiq, Santra Brenna, Berta Puig, Markus Glatzel, Hermann C Altmeppen

Neural regeneration research, vol. 18, Medknow, 2023, pp. 1869--1875

PhD: Prion Protein Biology

Analysis of co-isogenic prion protein deficient mice reveals behavioral deficits, learning impairment, and enhanced hippocampal excitability

Andreu Matamoros-Angles, Arnau Hervera, Jordi Soriano, Eulàlia Marti, Patricia Carulla, Franc Llorens, Mario Nuvolone, Adriano Aguzzi, Isidre Ferrer, Agnès Gruart, José Antonio Del Río

BMC biology, vol. 20, BioMed Central, 2022, pp. 1--25

iPS Cell cultures from a Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker patient with the Y218N PRNP mutation recapitulate tau pathology

Andreu Matamoros-Angles, Lucía Mayela Gayosso, Yvonne Richaud-Patin, Angelique Di Domenico, Cristina Vergara, Arnau Hervera, Amaya Sousa, Natalia Fernàndez-Borges, Antonella Consiglio, Rosalina Gavín, others

Molecular neurobiology, vol. 55, Springer US, 2018, pp. 3033--3048

Involvement of PrPC in kainate-induced excitotoxicity in several mouse strains

Patricia Carulla, Franc Llorens, Andreu Matamoros-Angles, Patricia Aguilar-Calvo, Juan Carlos Espinosa, Rosalina Gavin, Isidre Ferrer, Giuseppe Legname, Juan Maria Torres, Jose A Del Rio

Scientific reports, vol. 5, Nature Publishing Group UK London, 2015, p. 11971

Collaborations: Prion Protein Extracellular forms

Cleavage site-directed antibodies reveal the prion protein in humans is shed by ADAM10 at Y226 and associates with misfolded protein deposits in neurodegenerative diseases

Feizhi Song, Valerija Kovac, Behnam Mohammadi, Jessica L. Littau, Franka Scharfenberg, Andreu Matamoros-Angles, Ilaria Vanni, Mohsin Shafiq, Leonor Orge, Giovanna Galliciotti, Salma Djakkani, Luise Linsenmeier, Maja Černilec, Katrina Hartman, Sebastian Jung, Jörg Tatzelt, Julia E. Neumann, Markus Damme, Sarah K. Tschirner, Stefan F. Lichtenthaler, Franz L. Ricklefs, Thomas Sauvigny, Matthias Schmitz, Inga Zerr, Berta Puig, Eva Tolosa, Isidro Ferrer, Tim Magnus, Marjan S. Rupnik, Diego Sepulveda-Falla, Jakob Matschke, Lojze M. Šmid, Mara Bresjanac, Olivier Andreoletti, Susanne Krasemann, Simote T. Foliaki, Romolo Nonno, Christoph Becker-Pauly, Cecile Monzo, Carole Crozet, Cathryn L. Haigh, Markus Glatzel, Vladka Curin Serbec, Hermann C. Altmeppen

Acta Neuropathologica, vol. 148(1), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024 Jul, p. 2

Anchorless risk or released benefit? An updated view on the ADAM10-mediated shedding of the prion protein

Behnam Mohammadi, Feizhi Song, Andreu Matamoros-Angles, Mohsin Shafiq, Markus Damme, Berta Puig, Markus Glatzel, Hermann Clemens Altmeppen

Cell and Tissue Research, vol. 392, Springer Berlin Heidelberg Berlin/Heidelberg, 2023, pp. 215--234

Collaborations: Biomaterials and Neural Regeneration

Chemotactic TEG3 cells’ guiding platforms based on PLA fibers functionalized with the SDF-1a/CXCL12 chemokine for neural regeneration therapy

Óscar Castaño, López-Mengual Ana, Diego Reginensi, Andreu Matamoros-Angles, Elisabeth Engel, Jose Antonio Del Río

Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, vol. 9, Frontiers Media SA, 2021, pp. 1--12

PP4-dependent HDAC3 dephosphorylation discriminates between axonal regeneration and regenerative failure

Arnau Hervera, Luming Zhou, Ilaria Palmisano, Eilidh McLachlan, Guiping Kong, Thomas H Hutson, Matt C Danzi, Vance P Lemmon, John L Bixby, Andreu Matamoros-Angles, others

The EMBO journal, vol. 38, 2019, pp. e101032

Increased migration of olfactory ensheathing cells secreting the Nogo receptor ectodomain over inhibitory substrates and lesioned spinal cord

Diego Reginensi, Patricia Carulla, Sara Nocentini, Oscar Seira, Xavier Serra-Picamal, Abel Torres-Espin, Andreu Matamoros-Angles, Rosalina Gavin, Maria Teresa Moreno-Flores, Francisco Wandosell, others

Cellular and molecular life sciences, vol. 72, Springer Basel, 2015, pp. 2719--2737


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